Music, when soft voices die, vibrates in the memory. - Shelley
Nassau Knolls Cemetery and Memorial Park offers several holiday promotions each year. The cemetery sends out an annual mailing to all of our families to highlight services for the coming year and to give you an opportunity to choose which holiday promotion services are right for you. Our holiday offerings include:
Families have a choice of four grave decorations (Decorated blanket, plain blanket, wreath, and a small size blanket for the baby/child graves or urn garden graves). The decorated and plain blankets are evergreen branches on a wooden frame either with, or without, ornamentation and a bow. The traditional wreath is with a bow, decorations and pine cones. Also, the baby/child's or urn garden blankets are the same as the full-sized blanket just smaller - these blankets are ONLY for babies/children or anyone that is buried in an urn garden grave (ex. Dogwood Lane, Urn Garden, Colonial Urn Garden, Tower Garden, Ivy Garden, Garden of Faith, and Garden of Roses).
The starting date for the placement of Christmas and Winter Coverings will begin on or about December 1st in order to provide the freshest decorations possible.
We have available a Palm Cross, measuring 12" x 24", decorated with an Easter lily and ribbon bow. The cross will be placed on the grave by Palm Sunday and remain for a week after Easter.
For families that celebrate Orthodox Easter, the cross will be placed on the grave by Orthodox Palm Sunday and remain for a week after Easter.
We will provide a bouquet of fresh cut flowers in seasonal colors with a disposable vase unit. This bouquet will be placed before each holiday and will be removed the following Thursday.
Once again, we are always happy to be of service to you and your family and if there should be any questions, please do not hesitate to call our office at (516) 944-8530.
Christmas/Winter Holiday
-- Full Size Graves - Evergreen Covering, 27" x 60" - Decorated --------------------- $65.00 per grave
-- Full Size Graves - Evergreen Covering, 27" x 60" - Plain --------------------------- $55.00 per grave
-- Any Grave or Plot - Wreath with a Bow --------------------------------------------- $35.00 per grave
-- Child Grave or Urn Garden Plots - Evergreen Covering - Decorated -------------- $30.00 per grave
Palm Cross / Easter Sunday and Orthodox Easter ----------------------------------- $25.00 per grave
Mother's Day Bouquet ---------------------------------------------------------------- $30.00 per grave
Father's Day Bouquet ----------------------------------------------------------------- $30.00 per grave
Memorial Day Flower/Flag Bouquet (with disposable vase) ------------------------ $30.00 per grave
Prices effective Oct 1, 2024 - Sept 30, 2025
For your convenience, we have put together a list of frequently asked questions concerning cremation, mausoleum burial, and the legalities of heirship for graves and plots.
<<CLICK HERE>> to view Frequently Asked Questions.
. / (516) 944-8530 / PO Box 128, Port Washington, NY, 11050